Current Proposals.
The submitted proposal is for four new rooftop apartments at Oslo Court, together with a number of works to the existing building that will enhance and preserve Oslo Court, benefitting current and future residents, as well as providing wider public benefit.
The proposals are of a similar nature to the previously submitted scheme, with some significant design changes which address concerns raised and incorporate constructive feedback from Historic England and Design and Conservation Officers from the City of Westminster.
The proposed benefits to Oslo Court have not been altered.
The changes to the proposals are summarised below.
Changes to External Appearance
Revisiting the scheme has provided the opportunity to undertake a wholesale redesign of the elevations. As opposed to simply altering the facade, this has involved changing the massing of the proposal to fundamentally alter how the proposed new storey relates to the existing elevations, and also the form of the bays, which are the most prominent feature of
the existing elevations.
The resultant proposal is a more faithful replication of the form, proportion and fenestration of the existing bays, which sits more harmoniously with the existing building. -
Changes to the Stair Tower Design
Following feedback from Officers and a second Consultation response received from Historic England, a redesign of the stair tower proposal was undertaken.
The changes to the stair tower much better reflect the original design, and are based on a more thorough understanding of the language used in Atkinson’s original concept.
The proposal now restores the stair tower, which is in some disrepair, to a much more faithful version of not just the existing design, but the 1930s International Style glazed pavilion which was a crowning feature of the stair tower when it was completed. -
Changes to Bin and Bike Stores
The new proposal for bike storage in the forecourt respects the original intent of the landscape design, in creating a brick volume in-keeping with the walls and planters found elsewhere in the landscaping. The proposed storage would also largely be screened from view by the existing hedge.
The revised bin store proposal is a more comprehensive approach which sets the bins back from the street and sets them behind a planter which screens them from view from the street.
Changes to Restaurant Extension to Protect Trees
The proposed restaurant extension has been altered to ensure that all existing trees can be retained and will not be compromised by the proposal.
The proposed restaurant deisgn still incorporates a new, dedicated restaurant extension that will avoid restaurant customers needing to use the residential entrance.
Updated Proposals in Detail.
Design and Access Statement
This document gives a comprehensive description of the proposal.
Click the image below to download (PDF document - approx 21mb)
The existing and proposed drawings for the proposal.
Click the image below to open dropbox file.